Activity Productivity Rates

Productivity rates allow schedulers to establish a productivity factors for activities and thus scale durations accordingly.

These rates also aid in generating a bottom-up cost for the project.

To set the productivity factor, use the built-in application in the Iris’ Smart Planning Section.

Step by Step — Set the productivity factor

  1. Select an activity.
  2. In Iris > Smart Planning section, select the set productivity rate option for the activity duration field.
    • A new window opens with the Productivity Rate Calculator and Knowledge Library Suggestions

Using the Productivity Rate Calculator

In the top section, schedulers establish the package of work to be conducted. Here, you enter the values for the calculator to use to determine the base productivity rate:

When you select the Unit Rate method, the following fields are shown.

Field Description
Activity Description Activity this Productivity Rate is for
Output Output quantity for a single package (in the respective Unit of Measure)
UOM Unit of Measure description
Time/ “Output & UoM” Time (Hours/Days/Weeks) to complete the output established
$/“Output & UoM” Cost to complete the output established

When you select the Manhour Rate method, the following fields are shown.

All of the Manhour Rate fields are the same as the Unit Rate Fields, with the exception that the Manhour Rate uses Manhours and the work calculates with manhours instead of units.

Under the Work subheader, schedulers can define the variables on the current project that the productivity rate will be factored against:

Field Description
How many “manhours”? Total quantity of manhours of effort to be expended
Crew/Equipment Count Total Crews or Equipment assigned to complete the work

After all the variables have been entered, Schedule provides a summary of the calculation.

Using the Knowledge Base Suggested Rates

The Knowledge Base pulls in suggested productivity rates based on past packages that are similar in their descriptions, associated knowledge tags , and benchmark selection.

To select a suggestion, click Adopt. This will automatically fills in the Productivity Rate Calculator with the values from the Knowledge Library.

You can still make adjustments to the rate for the current project after adopting the suggestion.

Step by Step — Calculate Productivity Rates

  1. Go to the Knowledge Base productivity rate suggestions and Adopt a productivity rate.
  2. Set or change the amount of work and crew size.
  3. Pay attention to how this impacts the activity duration and cost

  4. ClickApply Rate when complete.
  5. Open the Annotation drop-down menu and select Cost.
    • Now, you can view your project’s bottom-up and top-down costs